About Me

My name is Jesus Guzman. I'm 23 Years old and i'm from Detroit Michigan. Spirituality and Self realization have been my tools in the past 3 years for understanding my emotions, thoughts and finding myself. 2021 was a pretty tough year for me internally because my unconcious natural sate was fear. I dwelled in it on a consistent basis growing up and it finally came came to surface when i became aware of my thoughts and i was fearful of what was going on internally and i was looking for answers and peace. I stumbled upon multiple things such as metaphysics, mantras, guided mediations, even trying to change and control what was i thinking and feeling however that didn't get me nowhere. After 3 years of learning i realized you are beyond what you think and feel and that you are the observer of it all. The real YOU which is awareness or others say consciousness. It might sound simple or esoteric but it is true the moment you accept how you feel, the thought or even if something is happening externally that's affecting you internally, the moment you accept these things whatever it may be for you that's when things change when you let go or in other words let it be.

a man riding a skateboard down the side of a ramp
a man riding a skateboard down the side of a ramp

My Vison

My vision with Being and Beyond is to share my experiences and eventually create a supportive community where people can come together to share their experiences, offer insights, and help one another on their journeys. This space is designed to inspire connection, provide answers for those seeking guidance, and foster mutual growth and understanding.